The leading voice in the British parenting blogosphere
The BritMums blog is the official blog of the BritMums social network, which is made up of more than 2,500 very talented and very opinionated bloggers. Here you can see some of the great content generated by BritMums members, special initiatives and the latest goings-on in the parent blogging world. Join BritMums today (dads welcome also). You can contact in email: mummybloggers (at)gmail (dot) com and follow us on Twitter: @britmums
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About the founders
Susanna Scott founded the BritMums social network in 2008 as a place where parent bloggers can gather and share ideas and opportunities. She is a co-founder in CyberMummy Conferences,which held the UK's highly successful blogger conference in summer 2010. After a career in marketing, she took three years off to reflect on how the heck she went from charging around Europe to charging around the play park. She recently re-entered the workforce, and is pleased that she hasn’t lost as many brain cells as she feared. Susanna is considered a pioneer in the UK mum blogging space, and has appeared about the subject in The Times, FT, Independent, Technorati, She, Primo Baby and Red Magazine among others. You can read more at her blog, A Modern Mother and keep up with her on Twitter: @amodernmother.
Jennifer Howze is a co-founder of CyberMummy Conferences and a co-partner in BritMums. She originated the Alpha Mummy blog at The Times before launching her own blog, Jenography. She also works as a freelance journalist, writing on feature topics ranging from travel to women's issues to food. She has contributed to UK- and US-based publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Independent, SELF magazine, Travel+Leisure magazine, Allure magazine and many others. Follow Jen on Twitter: @JHowze.
Contributing Editor
Karin Joyce is the author of Cafe Bebe and a stay-at-home-mum to the precocious Little Miss. What originally began as a record of their early days quickly developed into a blog featuring reviews of the latest baby and toddler products, stories about the adventures of having a toddler and an account of cultural differences between England and Karin's homeland, America. Karin is also a freelance writer and social media consultant; having worked with agencies such as Fleishman-Hillard, Wildfire Communications and Azaria. Karin is a contributing editor to the Childalert website and BritMums network. Follow Karin on Twitter: @cafebebe
Want to be a contributor? Email us at jen (at) britmums (dot) com.