Bonjourno fellow bloggers and a warm welcome once more to 'Newbie Tuesday'! Another week has passed and once more I have been wowed by some great newer bloggers’ posts. First things first, this is going to make for some fabulous reading so get prepared - pour a cuppa, hack off a wedge of choccy cake and shut the kids under the stairs (okay, so definitely don't do that last bit)!
Highlights of the Week
A question I think we should all ask ourselves this week is "do you have an ‘emergency potato”? - Musings of a stress mummy has! On the subject of food We Are Wild Things has inspired me with her felt play food (though real choccy biscuits sadly remain my favourite!)
Comfy slippers & little nippers took on the BritMums Blogging Prompt and in doing so has admitted some inappropriate tittering. On the subject of laughter, 12 hours to bedtime has found that it really is the best medicine.
If you are partial to a bit of humour then brand new blogger The Potty Years has you covered with her post entitled 'Can I trump in these?'. And if you like that then you'll love Here Come the Girls’s post this week that advises you how to best clutter your home.
If you are fond of a good meme Actually Mummy has given us a new one - 'Wot So Funee?' based around the funny things that your children say and write . It's already proving rather popular.
If you are in need of a giggle then look no further than these two dads! The stay at home dad and a sausage writes about the hot weather bringing out topless menfolk and the hilarious SAHDandProud is sharing his interview experience where he uses his parenting skills to his advantage.
Now for a big, communal hug for Diary of a Lagos Mum who has been telling us how she's turned to mush, Moors Mummy has had the 'blogging blues'.
There haves been sightings of a UFO by ...and PND makes three. Older Mum too has been feeling a bit down in the doldrums in her post 'Kiss and Make Up - one that many of us can relate to.
And finally a moment’s silence for the brave, brave soul Boo and me, who decided to spend five days -yes that's a whole five days without... blogging!
This weeks tips...
SEO. Now I know what some of you are thinking - what the dickens is SEO? Soggy Egg Omelette? Savoury Elephant Onions? Nope! SEO is 'Search Engine Optimization'. Which means improving the visibility of your site in search engines. Usually the higher up on a search engines results page your site comes, the more visitors it will receive from that search engine.
The incredibly helpful Nickie@Typecast has written a really good guide about SEO for beginners which is super informative. It covers things that you may not have thought of such as titling your posts to optimize your SEO authority. It sounds rather complicated I know but it's been made really easy by Nickie there.
I also came across a brilliant post in the BritMums Blog archives this week for anyone who is really starting to care about their 'hits' and 'comments'. Written by, 'Blogging for improving bloggers' looks at the different types of traffic that come to your blog.
Righty ho that's me done for another week - I hope you enjoy those great posts as much as I did. Feel free to comment and share any other great posts that you have come across this week with us - we'd love to find out what you gorgeous folk have come across too!