In just a week we received a deluge of nominations for our inaugural awards. Brilliance in Blogging is designed to highlight and recognise some of the most interesting, innovating and thought-provoking work going on within the British mum blogging community. Now we have a shortlist for you to vote on your favourites!
These finalists demonstrate a wide range of qualities: they might be adopting new technologies, video blogging, taking active part in wider blogging discussions or making their blogs showcases for beautiful design and interesting photographs. They are each doing something a little bit differently, making their blogs a success in their own way. For that, we salute them.
Fresh Voice of 2010
Every day new bloggers are joining BMB, but getting up to speed among the existing accomplished group of parent bloggers can be daunting. All these nominees have solved that problem by carving out their own niche – whether it’s writing from a distinct point of view, telling personal stories, giving advice or presenting a blog that’s visually appealing as well as readable.
Funniest post of 2010
What makes a post funny can be laugh-out-loud humour, but often as a parent it’s those recognisable moments of being flummoxed, exasperated, in over your head and at wits’ end. The bloggers in this shortlist have done everything from turn a typical toy review into an amusing package of quips and video to musing on the very grown-up conundrum of how to divest yourself of a broken vibrator. These finalists write about not only their own experiences but also the wider world, exhibiting a wry but warm point of view.
Inspirational blogger
Bloggers can inspire us in many ways: with descriptions of their struggles and the solutions they find, with encouraging words for others, with tips for coping and with their humanity. These bloggers inspire their readers in a variety of ways but all of them leave us with a sense of being uplifted.
Making a difference blogger
2010 was a year when many bloggers discovered that they could use their voices and their blogs for causes, raising awareness and funds, and being a force for positive change. Their topics could be victims of the earthquake in Haiti, the concerns of military families, a worthy charity event or the environment. Whatever their cause, these bloggers did more than their bit, and helped us get involved too.
Outstanding in their field
What to say about these bloggers? Each of them has distinguished themselves by developing a strong voice and a specific niche. Some specialise in gorgeous photographs. Others focus on incisive commentary on current events. Still others just have the insight on parenting down to a T. Whatever it is, they represent some of the best British blogging around.
While you are at it, ask your friends to vote too. And your family. Your dog. Then help us get the word out: Blog about it, tweet about it (#brilliance in blogging) and Facebook it!
Pick up your badge over on the BMB site.
We'll announce your favourites in the New Year and have a #brillianceinblogging tweet up to celebrate! Don't forget the wine.
You rock ladies (and the two men nominated)!
PS -- if you haven't taken our British Parent Blogger Bechmark Study yet, please do.